

 Conclusions In conclusion, these communication systems are not necessary to learn, but if you want to learn to use them, you could get a good job as a programmer. Also the morse code can be used to show off with your friends. You will be a more interesting person.

How we can use the morse code

 How I tink we can use the morse code. Today the morse code is'nt something that is used always, because it does'nt need to be used because communication systems are in everywhere. That's why I don't think we can use it in the normal life, but if you are in a place without signal (like a forest or an island) you can try to use the morse code to search for help. Then when i am lost or in an island, i will use the morse code

Best communication system

 Best communication system In my opinion the best system of "communication" is the morse code, because it is the easiest to understand once you know its rules by heart and it is not necessary to learn the alphabet, because you can have a table that contains the entire morse alphabet. When I'm lost without communication, I will use the Morse code.

History of binary code

 History of binary code The ancient Hindu mathematician Pingala presented the first known description of a binary numbering system in the 3rd century BC, which coincided with his discovery of the concept of the number zero. The modern binary system was fully documented by Leibniz, in the XVII century, in his article "Explication de l'Arithmétique Binaire". It mentions the binary symbols used by Chinese mathematicians. Leibniz used 0 and 1, just like the current binary numbering system.


 ASCII CODE PAST ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) (pronounced Aski) was created in 1963 by the American Standards Committee. And it was used to expand the characters of the morse code, then the IBM company made an 8-bit extension of the ASCII code where new characters and letters in Spanish were added such as "Ñ" Today Today the ASCII code is used in computers. Almost all computer systems today use the ASCII code to represent characters and texts

Morse code rules

Rules Each letter is separated by a short pause and each word by a long one. Long beeps are three times longer than short beeps. Morse alphabet Curious fact SOS is the international "help" signal and in Morse code it is: ... _ _ _ ...   Did you understand the use of morse code, didn't you? If you would like me to talk more about this code, leave me a comment